Friday, August 22, 2014

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If you are in the Los Angeles are please come visit us!

Our doors are always open to our current clients and potential clients.

21115 Oxnard St
Woodland Hills CA

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Friday, August 15, 2014

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


If you are tired of over paying for IT equipment.

If you are tired of staying on hold for a long time.

If you are tired of long turn around time.

and if you are tired of speaking to someone from a different country on the phone.

Please give us a call.

(818) 477 3893

Monday, August 11, 2014

Over 160k Listing On Amazon And Counting.

Every week our Amazon store listings get higher.

Please take a look at our products.

Our store is filled with Servers, Workstations, Storage and Other IT Hardware.

For any questions please give me a call

(818) 477 3893

Here is a link to our Amazon Store

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Deals

Here are a few random deals that we are having right now!

(818) 477 3893

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is the process of transitioning all or part of the company’s data, application and services from on-site premises to the cloud. This is where the information can be provided over the internet on an on-demand basis.
Cloud computing is attractive to many organizations due to its scalability, ease of management and low costs. Cloud migration facilitates the adoption of flexible cloud computing.
An organization’s cloud migration process often involves merging an on-site IT infrastructure with a hybrid cloud solution, which may be accessed over the Internet for a fee. Hybrid cloud solutions transition between one or more cloud providers and usually provide on-demand and provisioned server space, applications and services.

Cloud migration is critical for achieving real-time and updated performance and efficiency. Thus, cloud migration requires careful analysis, planning and execution to ensure the cloud solution’s compatibility with organizational requirements.
While a cloud migration can present numerous challenges and raise security concerns, cloud computing can also enable a company to potentially reduce capital expenditures and operating costs while also benefiting from the dynamic scaling, high availability, multi-tenancy and effective resource allocation advantages cloud-based computing offers.
So when did this trend start? Around 2010 the cloud migration had started to become reality. In 2013 Amazon and IBM battled in court for a $600 Million contract from the CIA. Amazon won but IBM protested. Why? AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the leader in offering cloud computing services to businesses and IBM is trying to establish a foothold in the space by leveraging its long history of providing IT services to the government. In many ways Amazon is disrupting the traditional enterprise IT market. Like other technology disruptions, specifically smartphones, vendors that do not adapt quickly may go out of business.
So, what does all this mean? The writing is on the wall: Cloud computing is inevitable. The traditional IT infrastructure cannot handle the demands of burst users (as witnessed in the recent health insurance exchange crashes), nor does it offer elasticity (cost savings for tight budgets), big data capability (exponential growth in data volume) or agility (rapid provisioning in minutes). Just like IBM and Amazon, most organizations see the benefits of this new computing-as-a-utility landscape and are ready to forge a road map to get there.
The key strategies are assessment, architecture and then action. While the temptation is to jump right to the action stage, you will find that path leads to wasted money and numerous blind alleys. Assess your current state via metadata collection (hardware, applications, data, organizational readiness, and architectural readiness) and evaluation methods (capacity analysis, risk analysis, complexity analysis, etc.). A proper assessment will allow you to prioritize your migration, find the quick-wins and know the risks.
After assessing your current state, analyze and design your objective architecture. A cloud-native architecture is different than traditional architectures and stresses ‘Loose-Coupling’, ‘Web Standards’, ‘Asynchronous Messaging’ and much more. After these two stages you are ready to take action and begin the migration process. Migrating your applications to this new cloud-native architecture is an opportunity to develop an agile IT infrastructure that delivers computing power as simply as utilities deliver electric power!

I hope this was informative.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Is Nic

A network interface controller or also known as a “NIC” is a piece of hardware that is used to connect a computer to a computer network. The NIC implements the electronic circuitry required to communicate using a specific physical layer and data link layer. The standard data link layers are Ethernet, Wi-FI, or Token Ring. This provides a base for a fill network protocol stack, allowing communication among small groups of computers on the same LAN and large-scale network communications through routable protocols, such as IP.
The NIC allows computers to communicate over a computer network. It is both OSI layer 1 (physical layer) and layer 2 (data link layer) device, as it provides physical access to a networking medium and, for IEEE 802 networks and FDDI, provides a low-level addressing system through the use of MAC addresses. It allows users to connect to each other either by using cables or wirelessly.
Some NICs offer integrated field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for user-programmable processing of network traffic before it reaches the host computer, allowing for significantly redunced latencies in time-sensitive workloads. Some companies, like Solarflare  with its open-source OpenOnload network stack whcih runs on Linux, offer even complete low-latency TCP/IP stacks running on integrated FPGAs in combination with userspace libraries which intercept networking operations usually performed by the operating system’s kernel; such an approach is usually refereed to as user-level networking.
Make sure to check out all of our machines online! If you have any questions about any of them let me know!